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Welcome to the Sports Service website!
The USI Sport Service was set up to promote joint sporting activities between the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) and to organise participation in national and international events in the field of university sport.
The goal set for the service is to provide adequate opportunities for students and staff to complement the predominantly intellectual activities with a sports offer that provides the opportunity for healthy motor activities and socially and culturally important experiences.
Explore our extensive sports offer consisting of over 70 activities, including group training, sports disciplines, outdoor activities and much more.
Sports Hall
The East Campus Sports Hall: a dedicated space for all members of the academic community to enjoy an all-round fitness experience at the University. Equipped with a Fitness Room and a Classes Room, you have the opportunity to train both individually and participate in engaging group activities.
Experience unforgettable moments with our winter and summer camps, learn new sports and create friendships that will stay with you for a lifetime.
Special Offers
Take advantage of conventions and special rates for sports equipment rental, reserved exclusively for you.