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Outdoor Climbing

Arrampicata outdoor


Outdoor climbing is a sport discipline that involves climbing natural walls using hands and feet. Climbers use specific equipment, such as ropes, harnesses, climbing shoes and carabiners to ensure their safety while climbing. It is a sport that requires strength, agility, endurance and technical skill.


Climbing courses are generally held during the milder months of the year, such as September-October and May-June.
They take place on natural crags that are adequately prepared for climbing, particularly with the top rope system (moulinette).


The Sport service organises evening and daily outdoor climbing courses led by GS instructor Tiziano Ranghetti

The courses are intended for those who already have indoor climbing experience and who ensure correct rope handling for safety manoeuvres. 


Courses are offered during both the autumn and spring semesters. The detailed programme for the latter will be published during the spring semester.