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Tennis is a competitive sport that takes place on a rectangular court divided by a net in the centre. Two players or two pairs compete, trying to bounce a small ball over the net with the aim of landing it in the opponent's court without returning it. The game of tennis requires technical skill, physical strength, mental agility and endurance as players must develop specific strategies to deal with opponents of different playing styles.


As far as tennis is concerned, the Sport Service, in cooperation with specialised tennis clubs and instructors, offers a variety of possibilities, including courses for beginners and intermediates, discounts on court bookings, private lessons and equipment rental. 

Special offers

The special offers are available on the dedicated page. Click on the button below to access the specific tab.


  • Court reservations at the Lugano Lido Tennis Club
  • Private lessons with specialised teachers 
  • Equipment hire 


  • Court reservations at the Mendrisio Tennis Club
  • Private lessons with specialised teachers 
  • Equipment hire

Go to the special offers


In cooperation with the Tennis Club Lugano, tennis courses for beginners and intermediates are offered during the autumn and spring semesters, structured in 6 appointments.

The beginners course is designed for those approaching the game of tennis for the first time, while the intermediate course is ideal for those who have already acquired a technical base and wish to further improve their technique and playing skills.

By proceeding with the purchase, the user accepts the instructions and rules of conduct of the Sport Service, available in the 'Attachments' section.

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  • Registration and payment

    Registration and payment

    Once you have created your MyWellness/Technogym account and accepted the new privacy policy, you can proceed with the purchase by contacting us by email or by phone.

    Create your MyWellness/Technogym account


    Please note that the number of participants is limited and the order in which registrations/payments are received will be taken into account. It is not possible to reserve places in advance without making payment.


    In the case of telephone contact, all users interested in purchasing are requested to have a valid credit/debit card and access to the institutional email address with them, as these are necessary to finalise the purchase. In order to complete the registration, payment must be made during the call itself.

    Contact us by phone


  • Refund conditions

    Refund conditions

    • Reimbursement of 100% upon presentation of a medical certificate
    • Reimbursement of 80% within 3 months of the event
    • 50% reimbursement within 2 months of the event
    • No reimbursement less than 2 months of the event, as for non-attendance

    To proceed with your refund request, please contact the Sport Service by email stating the event and the reason for cancellation. Refund conditions will be applied according to the date of the request

  • Waiting list

    In case of sold-out, SOLD OUT seats, please contact the Sport Service to be placed on the waiting list.

  • Don't have a MyWellness account yet?

    If you do not have a MyWellness account, proceed by completing the following form.

    Create your MyWellness account

  • Insurance

    Participants are required to check the suitability of their insurance cover both in Switzerland and abroad. During all USI Sport Service activities it is compulsory to carry one's own insurance card or document.

    We strongly recommend REGA patronage membership for 40 CHF/year.