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Summer camp

Gruppo wind Grecia
USI SPORT, Grecia, 2022
  • Activity: Camps Grecia
  • Start date: 22 June 2024
  • End date: 29 June 2024
  • Location: Fuori sede
  • Address: Greece
  • Course language:
    • Italiano
    • English

A week to try out different sports activities such as windsurfing, wingfoil, sailing and kayak while sharing the experience with fellow adventurers!

Watch the video of the Summer Camp 2022!


CampUSI and SUPSI 
USI and SUPSI Staff / 
Student from other UNI CH
7 nights
(a week)
230 CHF360 CHF560 CHF
14 nights
(two weeks)
440 CHF700 CHF1'000 CHF


Included in the price are:

  • 7 overnights
  • Use of the base camp and equipment provided
  • 4 hours of teaching per day
  • Sports equipment for practising activities
  • Transport for the Kalamata Airport - Erodios Campsite route and vice versa


The price excludes:

For more information on the camp, see Camps Grecia

Sports base 

  • Overnights
    The base is located at the  campeggio Erodios (directly by the sea). 
    Tents, mattresses and mattress covers, pillows with covers and blankets (for those without their own) are provided by the Sports Service.
    The Sports Service's base camp is located on large pitches on the campsite, the tents are set up for 3 persons but will only be used in pairs. A few steps from the base camp you will find toilets with individual showers, a restaurant and a small grocery shop. 
    A 10-minute walk along the beach takes you to the centre of Gialova where you can find everything you need for the camp and typical restaurants.
  • Food
    All meals (breakfasts, lunches and dinners) are the responsibility of the participant. The base camp is equipped with camping kitchens and everything needed to allow participants to cook individually or in groups.

Technical courses
Windsurfing, wingfoil and sailboat courses are organised during the camp for beginners and novices

Head coach

Dalila Gervasoni


Giorgio Piffaretti
